Vaccine Religious Exemption Form & Ivermectin info
Relentless Church Vaccine Exemption 1.8 signed
This next one is a unsigned one Word doc that you can use to re-word and create your own, if it’s your existing company we recommend you add how loyal you’ve been in the past and how you appreciate the company and if you can, note your great past performance reports.)
This next form is additional info you can use to create your own and to answer questions they’ve been throwing at folk, it’s a Word Doc so you can cut and paste from it.
Has your employer or school or college mandated that you or your kids have the vaccine or risk being fired or discharged or refused admission?
- If you do NOT have a termination clause that would cause you to lose benefits etc., then do NOT resign from your post if you can. Submit the form (see below) and see what they say. If they threaten to fire you, do NOT resign. If you want to litigate, you must wait till they fire you. But until then, you should be a model employee and do your duties as a workman approved unto God, refusing only to do that which would be a moral compromise of your conscience. In case of a litigation the judge must also feel that you have done your best to comply and do your job within your Biblical moral bounds.
- If you do get a waiver you may need to prove you are not sick on a regular basis (Yes I know it makes no sense since vaccinated people can also catch COVID). If you are worried about the nasal swab, then you can ask them for a saliva test (they really need to pay for it but may not).
- If your employer accepts the form but puts you on unpaid leave, there are lawyers who will take up your case. Especially, if you an employee at a large company like United or Google etc. It will be free for you.
- You do not need to be part of our ministry or a church to use our form. You just have to sincerely believe and agree with what is written there. If you want to support our ministry you may do so here and we welcome you to Relentless Church if you live in San Jose. Relentless Church meets at 4pm on Sundays at the Treasury Room (on the Calvary Chapel Campus at 1175 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose, CA 95125).
- Calvary Chapel SJ has been open almost the entire time in defiance of the County’s Mandates and have over $3.6M in fines (that I assure you, we won’t be paying. This is going all the way to the Supreme Court and the County will pay for ALL the lawyers’ fees).We have also given rise to a Recall Movement to recall the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors for their violation of our rights and for wasting County money on lawyers who have no chance of winning. If you are upset that you have to submit a Vaccine Exemption form, you should join the recall. (provided as a service to the Recall Santa Clara Committee).
- If you are a government employee who may lose your benefits if you are terminated: I have been told that you may not automatically lose your benefits for termination, you still get to keep anything you’ve vested so far. But this is something you will need to clarify with a labor attorney or your union. If you will lose your benefits, you will have to weigh your options. The best thing is to have a very friendly discussion with your HR and Supervisor. Ask: I’m curious, I have a hypothetical question, let’s say someone does not want to take the vaccine, will you accept a Religious Exemption form or will you terminate them. Note I would advise you not to discuss that you are NOT going to take the vaccine till you know. You want to know what they are going to do. You will have to judge their reaction. They may lie, so if it seems likely that they will terminate you, you may be then need to retire/resign with your benefits intact. I would not advertise or argue with your colleagues about your position on the vaccination until you have determined this.
- If your employer or other employees discriminate against you in anyway, please contact AFF at or PJI at
- At this point the only forms that seem to have been rejected have been the ones filed by County Workers and buy a company called Cruise, all other Private Employment firms seem to have accepted the forms for now.
You have 2 options with submitting a form:
Option 1. Fill out the form at the top of this with just your name and date give it to your HR or the Admissions Office (for a school). Note there are multiple pages. There is also the comprehensive explanations document. You can choose to include that as well, and explain that you’ve gone over it and it provides advise from Rev. Neil that answers some of their potential questions.
- BUT please first read the forms carefully so you understand what you are objecting to. You do not need to be an expert on each of the items, only that a pastor has advised you to follow it, and these are your sincerely held beliefs. Make sure they are indeed your sincerely held beliefs. You may use Neil Mammen as your pastor if you agree to the points being made. We also suggest you visit Relentless Church for services.
- Relentless Church ( If you need a ‘live’ signature, not a printed one, then print the unsigned form at home and bring it to the service with you, Pastor Jeff is the senior pastor, and he will physically sign the forms for you after service.
- If you are not a Christ Follower and would like to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, please email me.
- You will need to be solidly pro-life to use this form. If you need to find out more about the pro-life position, please go here:

- Pray about your convictions.
- Say you wish to be exempted from all vaccine mandates due to your religious convictions.
- Have a discussion about the Biblical reasons of why one would object to the vaccine with fellow Christians. Take out your Bible and do a study on these issues. Go online and look up Biblical Reasons against aborted baby fetal cells.
- Invite friends who are in the same situation to do a Bible Study with you to look into these issues
- On my website, I talk about what abortion is and why it’s evil. Aborted baby fetal cells are used for some vaccines
- Remember you are probably not an expert on the science, so do NOT argue about the scientific facts. You do not need to prove that there are people who have died as a direct result of the vaccine. Just that they have died after taking the vaccine and that you are genuinely concerned that you could die too, or not be able to have kids or have severe health issues and why this violates your sincerely held Biblical values.
- When you write it out, make sure you cover multiple reasons like our form does, so that if some vaccines do not use aborted fetal cells for testing then you still have other reasons to reject those vaccines.
- Make sure you read the Comprehensive Responses form in full as well.
You have to be proactive and educated. Maybe God is doing this so you actually read his Word and see how it applies to the world. Read your Bible daily.3. Wait until you hear back and if it is rejected. Then contact lawyers AFF and PJI. They are lawyers who will take on cases for free.
Here’s how you contact them click on the links below.
What happens if you are still fired?
If you are fired, it’s going to take some time but eventually a number of class action lawsuits will be filed that you can join with. Contact the lawyers above to get on their mailing lists.
- Proving God exists Using Science
- Proving the Bible has been accurately handed down over the last 2000 years.
- Proving Jesus was a real human being
- Proving Jesus physically died and physically rose again.
- How can God exist when there so much evil in the world. And many others.
Go to to find out more.
Note if you get a “this site is dangerous” you can ignore that. Hit continue anyway. It’s just them trying to stop you. We’ve talked to numerous churches and VAC members who have received their orders safely. At the height of Covid, one member got a letter from US Customs saying they had impounded the Ivermectin. She lost her order, but that’s about it. She probably could have sent them a prescription from a Doctor in Florida and gotten it delivered. Also note the site keeps changing as they keep being blocked. So just do a generic search for “Medicinevilla” if the above link stops working.
Does Ivermectin work for COVID it’s variations and other Corona Viruses?
There are over 99 Studies (as of this writing) that show that Ivermectin works and is effective in most cases. Yes, you can get Ivermectin from other sources, but make sure your dosage is right or it can hurt you. You should be taking it as a preventative medicine anytime you think you may have been exposed. And it seems that you should take it if you start feeling sick to stop the progress of the disease. Note there are some hospitals in the Redding area that are prescribing Ivermectin but most hospitals won’t as they are being manipulated by the big Pharmaceuticals. The Federal government has incentivized diseases and death. A hospital gets about $79,000 per COVID patient that it admits. They get more if the patient dies in the hospital for autopsies etc. So it’s important to have some on hand when COVID is raging.
- Meta-analysis using the most serious outcome reported shows 72% [55‑82%] and 86% [75‑92%] improvement for
early treatment and prophylaxis (i.e. as a preventative drug) , with similar results after exclusion based sensitivity analysis and restriction to peer-reviewed studies or Randomized Controlled Trials. - Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality , hospitalization , recovery , cases , and viral clearance . 27 studies show statistically significant improvements in isolation. The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 63 studies is estimated to be 1 in 1 trillion.
Here are some of the studies showing that Ivermectin, (a drug that has been given over a billion times and whose creator won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2015) is effective for COVID and yet there has been a ban on its use. The fact that there has been a concerted effort to impose vaccines on every human and a purposeful attack and suppression of news of alternative treatments has led me to be suspicious of the true intentions of the policymakers and to suspect that behind all this is greed, avarice, and lust for power. All traits of evil rulers in the Bible and Bible prophecy.
- An analysis of 63 studies, 44 were peer reviewed studies for COVID treatment.
- Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19
- Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines
- Effects of Ivermectin in Patients With COVID-19: A Multicenter, Double-Blind, Randomized, Controlled Clinical Trial
- Links to additional studies can be found here: